Parent Information Booklet

‘Building well rounded citizens with a passion for lifelong learning.’

We are a proud Independent Public School which promotes an environment where students learn to take responsibility for their actions, respect and value diversity, and see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world.

At Atwell, we believe that every child has the right to the best possible education, and the educational process is best served when the school, the child, the teacher and the parent/carer work together in a positive way to support learning.

We want to maintain a culture in the school where students are actively engaged in the curriculum and are provided with interesting ways to learn; where they feel cared for by school staff and develop a sense of belonging to the school; and where teachers know them well, build on their strengths and encourage them to persist with tasks until they succeed.

Our staff are passionate, enthusiastic and strive to ensure our school attests to the vision statement of ‘building well-rounded citizens with a passion for lifelong learning’.

The teachers and support staff have a wide range of experience and are dedicated to enabling our 800 Kindergarten to Year 6 students to participate in shaping a better shared future for the world.

We endeavour to build students’ resiliency skills and values through our Health and Wellbeing program, School Chaplaincy program and the partnerships we form with the parents and wider community.

Our teachers provide learning programs based on the Western Australian Curriculum and students are offered specialist programs in the areas of music, visual arts, physical education and Italian. We provide our students with leadership opportunities and acknowledge their achievements in the areas of academics, physical education and the arts.

Our focus is developing critical thinking skills, strong interpersonal skills and relationships and provide them with opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of digital technologies.

After school enrichment programs are offered in Term 2 and 3 to allow students the opportunity to participate in specialised activities such as robotics, engineering, urban art, dance and a number of sporting activities.

Our school connects with the wider community by establishing strong partnerships to support the school. We are an active member of the Cockburn Central Education Network which includes 15 of our local schools.

Outstanding leadership is a priority at Atwell Primary School and an emphasis has been placed on development of school leaders at all levels. While research clearly shows that in a school, individual teachers have the greatest impact on student learning, research also shows that the quality of a school’s leadership has the second greatest impact on student learning.

Our school promotes strong, shared leadership; building leadership expertise; developing a culture of sharing and responsibility, to be facilitated by leaders; and tailoring initiatives to be included in the Business Plan. These will be strategically planned, implemented, monitored and evaluated by school leaders.

The School Board plays an active role in establishing and maintaining clear directions for the school and works in partnership with the wider community.

The P&C provides strong support to the school and organises a variety of activities that bring our school community together. Over recent years the P&C has been extremely active in providing equipment and facilities that have enhanced our school and learning opportunities for our students.

There are four teaching blocks, 12 transportable classrooms, two purpose built early childhood buildings, a library, staffroom, undercover area and a multi-purpose hall. The school environment and facilities are well maintained to ensure they cater for the needs of our students through ample play areas and grounds.

I join the staff in wishing you and your family a happy, rewarding and memorable association with our wonderful school.

Stephen Doherty
